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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Recycle Broken Crayons

We go through TONS of crayons at work. Lots of times the crayons break, and the kids are less interested in the broken ones...I'm not sure why but they just don't seem as appealing anymore. But I have a way to recycle those little bits of crayons and make them a little bit more attractive to those little eyes!

Here is how:
1. Gather broken crayons and take off the paper wrapping.
2. Preheat oven to 265 degrees.
3. Break up crayons into smaller pieces.
4. Place like colors into small muffin tins. (Silicone muffin shapes are easier)
5. Place in oven 6-8 mins. (You will know they are done when you can no longer see shape of crayon-but don't keep them in past this stage.)
6. Place in freezer for a few minutes
7. Take out of tray and color!

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